Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sell on Ebay

Secrets of Selling on Ebay

Make Money On Ebay

If you are currently waiting for decent job to come along, you are not alone. With unemployment and inflation on the rise and retired workers coming back to the job market to compete for the relatively same number of jobs in the economy, It might be the time for you to get up and start thinking outside the box. One of the way you can earn good living is by selling on ebay. Yes, you can earn living on ebay as lot of people in my circle are. You don't have to however jump headfirst into trying to sell on ebay. Understanding the process and what sells is critical.

To get started all you need is a digital camera, merchandise and an ebay/paypal accout. Ebay offers simple online process that walks you through buying or selling through a few easy steps. You can start by selling some of your unwanted things to get the experience as you write resumes and try to get your regular job. Look at the expired listings to see what was put out to market and what got sold and at what price. Once you have sold some of your unwanted things and short listed what you think would sell relatively well, next thing to do is try to find a steady supply of the merchandise you wish to sell. Onething I can tell you is that you won't go far in most cases if you are going to buy your supply from local retail or even sometimes wholesale source. You need to get online to find reputable closeouts or liquidation sites that sell your desired merchandise for very low prices. If you feel uncomfortable going into sellig that strong, visit local garage sales and retail outlets and looking for branded items ant dirt cheap cleance prices. For example, the other day, I picked up a dozen branded weighing scales at a supermarket at close to 75% off retail. I knew that that particular model sells online at ebay for almost three times what I paid (including taxes). It is not a lot of inventory to carry and I can sell this stuff slowly. Also look for branded apparel at big stores on clearance during off season and try to sell them the following season...Different people do it differently and achieve different levels of success. I am sure you are smart and comeup with your own strategy by mixing and matching the information and guidance I am providing.

In conclusion, you can use ebay as a supplemental source of income as you work in a regular job and can ultimately convert it into a 100% source of income for you at home. For me, I will start slow and work my way up. For more make money from home jobs and ideas please visit jobs central or make money online.

Affiliate marketing is another way to supplement your income and please visit my site at for more articles on the issue.

1 comment:

Health Advisor said...

Thanks for the information. So far I am also doing good with eBay. I started about 2 months back. Made nearly $3500 so far. Here is my personal experience on eBay. Might help some newbies out there.